Step into cloud security, machine learning and artificial intelligence with one-day workshops for managers by Alice&Bob.Company and Birds on Mars! Our Virtual Classroom Experience is tailored to your needs as well as to the special challenges of virtual meetings, generating valuable basic knowledge, lively exchange and rich inspiration for future topics.
In addition to lectures by our AI & cloud experts there will be breakout sessions, interactive teamwork, time for mails, coffee and children and a BYOB (Bring your own beer) the evening before.
Contact us via our contact form or send us a message on LinkedIn to get the Virtual Classroom Experience for up to 15 people in english or german. No previous knowledge required and we directly to your office or remote work space!
Interactive. Customized. Practical.
- The importance of security in the cloud
- ShiftLeft and the need for DevSecOps
- Deep dive into machine learning & AI
- Cloud security – best practices & possible use cases
- State of the art tools & services
- Idea generation and connection to everyday life
Here is the flyer for our Virtual Classroom Experience:
#virtualclassroomexperience #dataliteracy #industrie #digitization #bestpractices #cloudsecurity #datamaturity #artificialintelligence #devsecops #shiftleft #workshop #machinelearning #curiosity #remotemanager #alice&bob #birdsonmars